EcoTech aluminium windows are ranked number 1 for energy performance in Australia for an aluminium window which is not thermally broken
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EcoTech aluminium windows are ranked number 1 for energy performance in Australia for an aluminium window which is not thermally broken
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EcoTech aluminium windows are ranked number 1 for energy performance in Australia for an aluminium window which is not thermally broken
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EcoTech aluminium windows are ranked number 1 for energy performance in Australia for an aluminium window which is not thermally broken
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EcoTech aluminium windows are ranked number 1 for energy performance in Australia for an aluminium window which is not thermally broken
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Excellent Replacement windows are conceivably the most attractive and beautiful components with regards to the look of our homes. They allow light and outside air and offer views that connect the inside with the outside. However, traditional windows can also mean undesirable temperature gain in summer and huge heat loss in winters leading to requirement for replacement windows .
Today, advanced insulation and coating materials have changed the energy efficiency of windows in an extreme way. Energy effective replacement windows will make your home more comfortable while drastically lessen your energy expenses and help create a more brilliant, cleaner, more healthy environment.
Replacement windows definitions
SHGC = Solar Heat gain co-efficient. SHGC measures how well a glass item admits heat transmitted by daylight. SHGC is communicated as a number somewhere in the range of 0 and 1. The lower the replacement windows SHGC, the less solar heat it transmits.
U-Value = Thermal protection properties communicated in watts x m2 per degree Celsius. U-Value measures how well an item keeps heat from getting away. U-values for the most part fall between 2.0-10.0 W/m2 K. The lower the u-value, the more prominent a window’s protection from heat flow and the better is its insulation capacity. The U-value for replacement windows considers the parts that make up the window e.g the surrounding material.
The best solution for protection against heat gain and loss is to cover your North and West facing replacement windows in summer, but allow the sun to shine through in winter. Tinted glass will help reduce heat gain in summer however it also obstructs significant sunlight based heat gain in winter. When the sun is off the glass the replacement windows adequately protects your home from warming up in summer and averts heat loss in winter.
EcoEco provides the most energy efficient windows and doors for your home or office. Designed and built to the highest Australian standards for absolute strength and efficiency. Our six star windows are guaranteed to please for years to come.
Consistently ranked among the top consulting firms across the nation.
Dedicated to providing personal attention to all our clients.
We take pride fighting for individuals, not big insurance companies.
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Our products are physically tested in a local independent NATA laboratory, which also rates the products for energy efficiency. Our products were tested at Ian Bennie & Associates Pty. Ltd. Laboratory located at Luisa Avenue, Dandenong.
We don’t choose hardware with only price in mind, from our door rollers to the chainwinders, to handles and locks, it is all tried and tested… Not just big brands because they are not necessarily the best choice, but the most suitable for purpose. Our hardwood timber reveals are the ones which will support the windows, no compromise.
At EcoEco, we research the best design principles in the world and that is why our windows and doors are designed to use an optimum air gap of 12mm between the glass panes – the air is the insulating blanket just like your doona.
Unlike almost every residential window on the market, the EcoEco windows and doors were designed from scratch to be a double glazed energy barrier.
We design for strength and performance and for you the customer. Take the EcoTech transom (horizontal divider), ours is fully continuous even on the underside, and it is even deep enough for the chainwinder which sits right on top with no overhang.
There is not one area where the EcoTech window does not excel, and that includes the price. While we can’t guarantee to beat every price, we can guarantee that no other aluminium window can be supplied at our quality and even come close on price. We promise.
Most residential windows come with non-lockable hardware, with EcoEco awning and casement windows it’s standard, our entry doors, sliding doors and sliding stacker doors also come fitted with deadlocks, and with our French and bifold doors 3-point locking is our standard. That alone could add up to an additional $1000 with any other supplier.
Pure strength in our design is shown by our window performing at a wind and terrain rating of N4 (2.4m high x 1.8m wide), but an easier way of illustrating the strength of the EcoEco aluminium window is the width of our single sash awnings
EcoEco’s silicon glazing rigidly bonds the frame and the glass on both the inside and the outside of the windows and doors.
Your house is only as safe as its weakest point. You can opt to upgrade that bond between glass and aluminium on EcoEco windows
I recently ordered a number of sliding doors to build a summer room. From the onset when I first spoke to Jessica the service I received was top class. I was kept informed as to when the delivery date was. When the doors were delivered they were placed carefully where I had asked them to be put. 3 months later one of the doors needed adjustment. All I had to do was call and it was sorted out promptly. I highly recommend ECOECO Windows.
I spent considerable time searching for windows that needed to meet exactly what I wanted for both looks and performance. EcoEco were very professional and answered most of my questions in a very timely manner. After comparing their windows to other company’s, both my partner and I traveled to Melbourne from SA to see there range in person. We were so impressed that within a couple of weeks we were signed up. EcoEco had my windows ready on time. Even with interstate delivery I believe I was ahead on price for the quality and strength compared to what I could get locally. Thank you EcoEco, I will you use guys for my future projects.
Extremely happy with the service… Whenever I call I am always looked after by EcoEco.